Why Your Resume Cover Letter is a Vital Part of Your Employment Package
Have you ever sent off a resume for a position you just know is perfect for you, only to hear nothing back?
Don’t feel too badly about this because you’re not alone. Every week, thousands of resumes don’t even make it to the “Maybe” pile because they don’t get read.
Because the applicant’s cover letter was so poorly written the employer didn’t get further than the first line OR because there was no cover letter.
Step 2 in your 3-Step formula for landing your dream job is to have a cover letter that directs the reader’s attention to the specific strengths or accomplishments you have that are specifically relevant to the the position you’re applying for, and this must be written and presented in a professional manner.
Your cover letter must be as carefully researched and written as your resume. Remember, it’s your cover letter that determines whether or not anyone reads your resume.
Don’t waste all the effort you’ve already taken to have your resume professionally written when for a few dollars you can complete the package with a cover letter that forces the employer to read your resume!
Click now to have a cover letter individually tailored to your specific needs.